Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Most Noble Order of the Garter :: Essays Papers

The Most Noble Order of the Garter History Of Orders: The secular orders of chivalry that came about in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries were fundamentally based on the idea of religious expression, social valor, and virtue. These institutions, â€Å"recycled some of the trappings of the original orders of chivalry, but with the aim to create a close knit and devoted circle of noblemen around the person of the sovereign† (Saintry). An order is an award or symbol of great authority and mark, â€Å"The most striking among them (Orders) were those founded by great princes and distinguished by their lavish ceremonial and their ornate dress regulations. The oldest of these princely orders seems to be the Order of the Band, founded by Alfonso XI of Castile in about 1348† (Keen). However, King Edward III, founded the Order of the Garter in 1348 setting a new standard for the future of these great orders. It is within these orders that the very essence or aura can be understood within the realm of chi valry. These orders were descendants from the age of feudalism. Even today the Order of the Garter is still practiced in Great Britain today. Every year at Windsor Castle the ceremony of the Garter takes place. This celebration is performed in the shadow of the famed St. George's tower where a procession takes the present 24 knights into St. George's Chapel (the shrine to the Garter). History of the Garter: The Order of the Garter, founded by King Edward III, is the premier Order of Great Britain. This order is comprised of twenty-six Knights who surrender themselves onto the mercy of their order. It is believed that the Order of the Garter is modeled after King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table and Edward does nothing to dispel that rumor! King Edward III is the epitome of the Order of the Garter and some even believed that Edward was King Arthur reincarnate. This fueled his idea for the Order, which embodied the idea of chivalry and everything that went with it, (i.e. largesse, honor, and nobility). It is rumored that at a celebration King Edward was dancing with the glamorous Countess of Salsbury when her garter slipped off. Immediately Edward picked it up, slipped it on his leg and said, â€Å"Honi soit qui mal y pense† or â€Å"Shame or dishonor on him who thinks evil on it.

Friday, January 17, 2020

French Revolution DBQ

The French Revolution of 1789 caused many changes in the social, political, and economical world of France. The French Revolution sparked the beginning for many new reforms in France that were previously unavailable to the 3rd estate. The things that led up to the French revolution were all caused from within the social, political, and economic world of France. The Social causes for the French Revolution were varied. One such problem was the well being of the 3rd estate.According to Travels in France by Arthur Young the conditions of the 3rd estate were terrible as people could not purchase bread due to the high prices and the ragged conditions of the children (Document #1). Because of these factors the people were forced to fight each other for a piece of bread alone. Another problem was the middle class’ knowledge of the Enlightenment. According to The French Revolution historian Albert Mathiez, the middle class’ knowledge of the Enlightenment made them start the revo lution rather than the unintelligent working class (Document #3).The social world of France was a front for the revolution to begin because of the people who were mistreated by the government. The political reasons for the Revolution were also varied. One such reason was the signing of the Declaration of Independence. According to Lord Acton, the spark supplied by the signing of the Declaration of Independence was the cause of the French Revolution (Document #5).Another reason was the 3rd estates demands of the monarchy. Some of their demands were to lower the taxes assigned to them, have definite meeting times, and take votes by head (Document #3). The political state of France did not fare well in preventing the revolution. Finally the Economic reasons for the revolution were less varied than the others but just as important. One economical reason for the revolution was the unfair taxes to the 3rd estate.A chart of the tax and land ownership percentage in the 1700’s clearly shows how much more the 3rd estate was being taxed than the 1st or 2nd estate (Document #2). The economical causes for the revolution most likely set off the 3rd estate when their request for a tax change was denied. In conclusion the French Revolution was a result of the three different worlds of Frances system: Economy, Social, and Politics. The changes caused by the Revolution paved way for modern France and spelled out a new era for France.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

What Is Engfish (or Antiwriting)

Engfish is a highly pejorative term for dull, stilted, and lifeless prose. The term Engfish was introduced by composition specialist Ken Macrorie to characterize the bloated, pretentious language . . . in the students themes, in the textbooks on writing, in the professors and administrators communications to each other. A feel-nothing, say-nothing language, dead like Latin, devoid of the rhythms of contemporary speech (Uptaught, 1970). According to Macrorie, one antidote to Engfish is  freewriting.Engfish is related to the kind of prose that Jasper Neel has called antiwriting—writing whose only purpose is to demonstrate mastery of the rules of writing. Commentary on Engfish Most English teachers have been trained to correct students writing, not to read it; so they put down those bloody correction marks in the margins. When the students see them, they think they mean the teacher doesnt care what students write, only how they punctuate and spell. So they give him Engfish. He calls the assignments by their traditional names — themes. The students know theme writers seldom put down anything that counts for them. No one outside school ever writes anything called themes. Apparently they are teachers exercises, not really a kind of communication. On the first assignment in a college class a student begins his theme like this: I went downtown today for the first time. When I got there I was completely astonished by the hustle and the bustle that was going on. My first impression of the downtown area was quite impressive. Beautiful Engfish. The writer said not simply that he was astonished, but completely astonished, as if the word astonished had no force of its own. The student reported (pretended would be a truer word) to have observed hustle and bustle, and then explained in true Engfish that the hustle and bustle was going on. He managed to work in the academic word area, and finished by saying that the impression was impressive. (Ken Macrorie, Telling Writing, 3rd ed. Hayden, 1981)   Freewriting and Helping Circles The now universally familiar technique of freewriting arose from [Ken] Macrories frustration. By 1964, he had become so exasperated with the stilted Engfish of student papers that he told his students to go home and write anything that comes to your mind. Dont stop. Write for ten minutes or till youve filled a whole page (Uptaught 20). He began experimenting with the method he called writing freely. Gradually, the students papers began to improve and flashes of life started to appear in their prose. He believed he had found a teaching method that helped students bypass Engfish and find their authentic voices. . . .The antidote Macrorie  advocates for Engfish is truthtelling. Through writing freely and the honest response of their peers, students break through their proclivity for Engfish and can discover their authentic voice—the source of truthtelling. The authentic voice objectifies the writers experience, allowing a reader to live it vicariously and a writer [to] re-exper ience it (Telling Writing, 286).   (Irene Ward,  Literacy, Ideology, and Dialogue: Towards a Dialogic Pedagogy. State University of New York Press, 1994) The Truthtelling Voice as an Alternative to Engfish The typical example of Engfish is standard academic writing in which students attempt to replicate the style and form of their professors. By contrast, writing with voice has life because its ostensibly connected to a real speaker—the student writer herself. Heres what [Ken] Macrorie said about a particular student paper that has voice: In that paper, a truthtelling voice speaks, and its rhythms rush and build like the human mind traveling at high speed. Rhythm, rhythm, the best writing depends so much upon it. But as in dancing, you cant get rhythm by giving yourself directions. You must feel the music and let your body take its instructions. Classrooms arent usually rhythmic places. The truthtelling voice is the authentic one. (Irene L. Clark, Concepts in Composition: Theory and Practice in the Teaching of Writing. Lawrence Erlbaum, 2003) Anti-Writing I am not writing. I hold no position. I have nothing at all to do with discovery, communication, or persuasion. I care nothing about the truth. What I am is an essay. I announce my beginning, my parts, my ending, and the links between them. I announce myself as sentences correctly punctuated and words correctly spelled. (Jasper Neel, Plato, Derrida, and Writing. Southern Illinois University Press, 1988)