Saturday, December 7, 2019

Societal Staus of Gays

Question: Discuss about the Societal Staus of Gays. Answer: Introduction Although the world is making important and eloquent progress in the development of customs related to the genuine equivalence, recognition, and acceptance of the gay men and women, there is still a hidden aptness or feeling that is usually different, which hurts or handicaps the feelings of gay youngsters. To construct an impartial society, coequality should be generated as it is a part and parcel of constructing an impartial society. Where a mainstream of services reaches everyone on their demands, people from the LGBT community usually face ignorance. The importance of functional equality arises because the LGBT individuals are also the part of this society, and to accept homosexuals respectfully by heterosexuals will bring that equality in the society (Cahill Makadon, 2014). An individual and especially a man who is homosexual is termed as a Gay. Originally, the word gay was used to describe a bright and flamboyant, or carefree attitude. However, later on, the term gay was used i n the LGBT terminology, which means Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (Carbone, 2016). In the United States, similar sex marriage has been made legal nationwide according to the act passed on June 26, 2015 (Cahill Makadon, 2014). Homosexuality is basically the emotional or sexual attraction between the two individuals of similar sex or gender. Commonly, the term lesbian is used for females who are homosexuals and gay is used for homosexual males. However, the word gay is also used to pertain both the homosexual females, as well as, homosexual males. In the present times, there are various countries throughout the world where homosexual marriages, living relationships, and homosexual relationships are accepted in the society by their government. However, still, there are many countries where homosexuality is regarded as a sin and are strictly against the homosexuality, for instance, Islamic countries like Gulf and Saudi Arabia (Burack, 2009). Gay emplaced in the society and steps for increasing their societal status The right to voluntarily express ones opinion and deliberation is stipulated for awareness and benefits, which leads to the creation of more open and tolerant society. Homosexuals should be allowed to express their identity and to live free and non-discriminated lives without facing any trauma of stigma or discrimination (Cahill Makadon, 2014). The non-acceptance of the homosexuals in the society may increase the level of loathing, as well as, distrust in the society, thus, decreasing the ability to cooperate (Bialer McIntosh, 2016). The various research on the health quality of the homosexuals and heterosexuals have shown that the heterosexual people are more healthy and free from diseases in comparison to the homosexuals. Homosexuals are found to show more vulnerability towards serious and life-threatening diseases, such as HIV, anal cancer, etc. The chances of having an increased vulnerability towards these life-threatening diseases are due to the fact that in some cases homosex uals are involved in more than hundred sexual relationships, which leads to the serious consequences (Boehmer Elk, 2015). As per the social issues is concerned, it has been observed that the homosexuals are more addicted to substance abuse in comparison to the heterosexuals, which even leads to the development of depression. The suicidal rates are also high in the homosexuals than heterosexuals and homosexuals are more prone to early depression, which makes them mentally unfit. Thus, the expected life span is less amongst the homosexuals as compared to the heterosexuals (Lee, Gamarel, Bryant, Zaller, Operario, 2016). Moreover, high chances of sexual molestation occur from the side of the parents of the homosexuals, thus increasing the peril of incest with their parents. The various studies have shown that the homosexuals are at escalated pitfall for absenteeism and tends to have an inferior grade point due to the protection and harassment concerns in the colleges and schools. In schools, the victimization causes reduction of self-esteem of the homosexuals and accelerate absences, which worsens the educ ation outgrowth. Moreover, bullying is considered as one of the major causes of reducing the self-confidence of the homosexuals (Woodford, Silverschanz, Swank, Scherrer, Raiz, 2012). As per the teachers are concerned, they have been identified as an impediment to the LGBT sex education in some cases. Teachers often have their own convictions about homosexuality, and reconciling to these studies. If they have an unfriendly view towards the LGBT individuals, it can be seen in their teaching attitudes, which makes the homosexuals feel unaccepted. Hence, it is crystal clear that the adolescent gay and lesbian students are not only on the verge of being victims of lexical, physical, and emotional bullying but they are also in the fear of going to the schools, if they experience or discover unfavorable support towards their sexual exposure with a little assertion of their identity. These factors can make our society weak and can cause a huge drawback to the environment (Ryan, 2012). Governmental steps in the promotion of the rights of homosexuality: Equality, as well as, freedom from sacrament is fundamental rights of all the humans irrespective of their sexual orientation, intersexuality, or gender identity. Though the LGBT individuals are at a higher risk of facing stigma, as well as, discrimination throughout their life, a real progress is being made towards the equality of the LGBT individuals. Several laws and amendments have been made by the government all over the world to reduce the discrimination among LGBT individuals. For instance, the cross-government LGBT Equality Action Plan was published in the month of March 2011 by the UK government, which reinforced the commitment of the nation towards the LGBT equality, as well as, outlined the range of various actions that would be enforced to tackle homophobic bullying of the LGBTs in schools and to promote the rights of the LGBT individuals. Moreover, the same-sex marriage has also been adopted by the UK go vernment (, 2015). Moreover, on June 26, 2015, the U.S. government have made same-sex marriage legalized. In Australia, the amendment of the sex discrimination act was made in 2013 for the sexual orientation, as well as, gender identity for the individuals belonging to LGBT community (, 2016). The impact of accepting homophobic on Economics: The studies have shown that exclusion of the homophobic in ways also cause harms to the economy of the state. For instance, the discrimination of LGBT individuals in the workplace, physical, structural, and psychological violence, unjustly arrest, jail, beat, detain, etc. limits their use of knowledge or productivity at the workplace. Hence, the exclusionary treatment of homophobic involve labor cost, low investments in the human capital, lost productivity, and inefficient allocation of various resources through the process of discrimination in hiring and educational practices. As a result, the low investment in the human capital, as well as, the suboptimal utilization of the human resources will act as a drag on the output of the economy at the macro economy level. Hence, accepting homophobic will obviously increase the economic levels of the state. Moreover, the analysis at the macro-level showed a clear positive relation between the inclusion of the LGBTs and per capita GDP as measured by the Transgender Rights Index and Global Index on Legal Recognition of Homosexual Orientation. It has been observed that the countries who have more rights for LGBT individuals have high per capital income, as well as, high levels and state of well-being. Hence, a causal relationship is observed between inclusion of the LGBT individuals and improving inputs into the performance of the economy (Badget, Nezhad, and Waaldizk, 2014). Statistics for the advancement in the social life reactions and other issues: The stigma and the discrimination faced by the individuals have been an issue for the past and still continues to be a serious issue. However, in the present times, there has been a substantial progress in the social acceptance of the LGBT individuals. For instance, statistics from 2001 to 2016 on the views of the Americans that whether the LGBT relationships are morally wrong or acceptable showed a decrease in the percent of people who said it was morally wrong. As in the year 2001, around 53 percent of the cases asserted the relationship between the gay or lesbian were morally unacceptable or wrong, while in the year 2016, the decrease with only 37 percent of the respondents was found to state the same. Moreover, the survey that was conducted in November 2012 by Gallup in the U.S., revealed that 78% of the studied population believed entitlement of the inheritance rights by the partners of the gay and les bian with only 18% who were against them (Facts, 2016). Moreover, various research have shown that the increased access to the resources and information, as well as, large availability of the services in the support of LGBT individuals have provided a wide range of opportunities for socialization and self-affirmation of the LGBTs (, 2015). Fig 1: Number of homosexuals in U.S. Source: ( Fig 2: Number of homosexuals in Australia. Source: ( Fig 3: Views on Homosexuality. Source: ( Fig 4: Agreeableness to the inheritance rights of homosexuals. Source: ( Development of civilian firms in homosexuality: A diverse economy is observed to be a strong economy. It has been observed that the businesses which embrace the changing demographics of the nation reap the benefits related to the economy of an inclusive and diverse workforce. A huge development in the behaviors and attitudes of the civilian firms in recruiting homosexuals, as well as, transgenders in their organization have been observed with the time. For instance, in the United States, it has been observed that the gays, as well as, transgender workers contributes towards 6.28% of the total workforce in the present times. Moreover, there has been a higher representation of the homosexuals and transgender workers in the private areas with about 6.48% of the total workforce in comparison to the 5.31% of the total workforce in the public sector (, 2012). Religious beliefs on Homosexuality: Though several steps have been taken in the upliftment of the status of the homosexuals, still there are negative and positive considerations of homosexuality in different religions. For instance, in Christianity, homosexuality is a sin according to the Bible, where there are statements that are clearly against the homosexuality. Though Bible condemns homosexuality, the basic concept of Christians relies on the realistic and humanistic morals to build their ethical structure. According to the Christians, if someone is homosexual it does not restrict them to pray or show love for him. They treat them with the dignity as they are the creation of their God (Ministry, 2008). While a large diversity is observed regarding the views of homosexuality in Judaism. For instance, Orthodox Jews generally consider homosexual behavior to be an abomination, which is excluded by the Old Testament of the Christian Bible or the Torah. While the Reconstructionist Jews who sponsored The Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association, chose rabbis to perform and carry the same-sex ceremonies of commitment. They do not discriminate people on basis of sexual orientation and support same-sex marriages. Moreover, the concept of homosexuality in Hinduism is confusing. As the scripture called Manusmriti is against the concept of homosexuality and considers it to be a punishable offense. While, according to Vatsayna, the writer of the Kamasutra, the teaching have allowed and accepted the concept of homosexuality, and it was even in practiced in the early times (, 2016). Ways to lead the homosexuals in the society of heterosexuals: While various steps and things have been improved and developed in Australia for the gays and lesbian individuals, still there is a constant uncertainty regarding whether the homosexuals will receive the care and acceptance from their friends, families, colleagues, as well as, services. The fear of rejection by the society has a huge impact on the social and mental status of the homosexuals. Hence, family and friends of the homosexuals can take certain steps for reducing the effects of stigma, homophobia, and discrimination, as well as, for protecting the mental and physical health of the homosexuals. One method of handling the stress of the homosexuals from the stigma and discrimination faced by them are through social support. Various studies have shown that the gay males who have good company and social support from their friends, families, and the community tends to have higher levels of self-esteem, more good mental h ealth, and a more effective and positive identity in the groups (, 2016). Moreover, the university and college administrators should make it fully clear that homophobic bullying is an offense and will not be tolerated in their public messages. This indicates that they are making a conscious effort in sensitizing the on-campus counselors towards the issues related to the sexual orientation (Bialer McIntosh, 2016). To break this cycle at any single point is not practically possible. We can not expect the gay individuals to come out in a drove all of a sudden to demand their equal treatment. Nor we can expect that the entire heterosexual community will seek out underlying truth behind the gender identities and alternative sexualities. Therefore, there is a need to make a concerted attempt, in the offices, universities, and public discourses for breaking this cycle at various multiple levels. In todays competitive environment, the corporate colossuses are fighting against the niche vendors. While the companies, on the other hand, are having a fight against a tough battle between growing attrition rates. The conception of not being gay-friendly will fail to attract or retain the best talent, which in turn can result in the loss of huge profit and economy (Rizer, Mauery, Haynes, Couser, Gruman, 2015). Already an enough of time has been lost. A lot of hate against the gay people has been spewed, an d enough of negative stereotypes have been permitted to perpetuate. This discrimination has already kept many talented and wonderful gay men, as well as, women in the closets. Hence, it is the high time to overcome this stereotypes and to break the cycle of invisibility (Reygan, 2009). Conclusion The controversial debate existing between the traditional sentiments and gay rights is a modern time phenomenon. It seems that both the sides are representing the opposite paths and are standing on the two extreme positions. But we can not deny the fact that the gay individuals have legitimate and equal human rights of living in this world as any other individual. To discriminate the individuals belonging to the LGBT community is not a right and ethical thing to do as it has been medically proven that the sexual orientation of the individuals towards individuals of the same sex is natural. Hence, the gay people deserves equal acceptance and status in the society as heterosexuals individuals enjoy and should not be a victim of discrimination and stigma (Reygan, 2009). As a matter of fact, concluding the issue in a positive or negative way is not appropriate. Considering the status and challenges faced by the homosexuals, it can be said that society should accept the ones who are prese nt. Thus, mingling with the homosexuals present in the surroundings should be practiced, as this will break the bridge of inequality and will make the society a better place to live. Considering the entire above motif, it can be said that homosexuals are not personally harmful to an individual, but if they increase in number, the society may have to face increased troubles. Henceforth, a genuine leader will make sure he/she fulfills the space of inequality and brings the sodality as one combined union (Byne, 2015). References 2010 to 2015 government policy: equality - GOV.UK. 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